The System
Do I have more details about what the System is?
5 Cycles: (3 biological/organic, 2 energetic, and 1 more to rule them all)
The Sprin of 2017 was this incredibly fertile time period for me of ideas, growth, and transition..
I recognized that I needed to work with senior engineers to learn my craft.
I decided to leave my dream-job at Industrial Organic, a food waste processing startup.
I sat under a tree and conceived of a portable, benchtop scale machine to grow plants using food waste.
I was playing with ideas of hybrid hydroponic growing, DIY nutrient solution production and simple mechanisms for buffering.
Spending time on a boat inspired me with marine systems and interaction with environment while also being self-contained.
I studied plant science, indoor environment control, building science, systems thinking and permaculture design.
Developing the knowledge and skills to be able to build this machine (the System) is a life goal for me
along with meeting the people who will build it with me
(in whatever form that may turn out to be)